Following decisions were taken as per the Committee Meeting:
1. PHPA-II/SWCM/01/2018 dated 24.05.2018
a. SWF will be used solely for SEMSO will not be used for the donations and any other activities.
b. Based on the discussion held on the need increase of SWF amount by at least Nu. 10,000/- from the current admissible amount, it was decided to put in the next meeting after detail analysis by the Secretary and Treasurer for the future fun flow.
b. It was decided that no load will be paid from the welfare fund.
c. The inclusion of the consolidated staff in the welfare was ruled out in view of the amount of salary they receive.
e. It was decided to have simple accounting software for convenience and reliable record keeping, which will be outsourced at a minimum cost. It is to be explored and discussed in the next meeting.